
Recently, global warming has become a political issue headlining news in nature. Again people have been intimately aware of the whole climate system on Earth. Climate warming has force many animals and plants to relocate to other regions to survive, causing them to tread into unknown territory.
In the last century, our Earth has experienced many changes due to unusual weather conditions causing global warming. Average temperature of Earth's surface raised 0.74 ± 0.18 ° C. All measurements using various methods and different tools have confirmed that.
Due to global warming, polar bears population is declining to an all time low. In the twentieth century, global warming has made the ice to rapidly melt at the poles and around the river. Climate change will inevitably lead to economic consequences as well as societal. People in those places most severely affected are really worried about the future and their destiny. Despite lots of progress in understanding how the earth's climate is changing, some uncertainties remain, which makes the future a little unpredictable


  1. Great topic, definitely lots of information about the polar bears and how they are affected by global climate change! I love your location page, it is really cool how the polar bear looks like its popping out of the page. You also tied in some of the class topics about carbon sinks and sources nicely in you’re the Facts page.
    One thing to work on is proof reading. Your sentences do not make much sense, or flow well. Also, you have many words spelt wrong (such as Greenland). Another area to work on is your in text referencing on where you obtained the information. What is your graphical synthesis going to be? Could you compile all the data you have found about rising air temperature, sea temperature, ice melt and sea level increase and make a graph showing those relationships to the polar bear population numbers over time?
    I think you’re off to a good start! Good luck!

  2. You do a great job of organizing your information so it comes across clearly. Definitely go back and proofread your writing, though, because there are some grammatical/spelling errors throughout. I also liked that you included a section on what we can do to help. I think Tiffany made a good suggestion for your graphical synthesis. That would tie your information together nicely. Overall, this is looking really nice. Good job!

    -Natalie Rogers

  3. Hi!
    Proofreading is something to look at. Maybe go to the writing center at Odegaard for some help with making your sentences flow better.

    Some of your claims are a little unclear or seem inaccurate. For example, you say that we don't yet understand the mechanisms that govern climate change. You make it sound like its a total mystery, when climate scientists know a very large amount about how the climate functions and have had varying degrees of success in making computer models of it. It would probably be more accurate to say something like, "despite lots of progress in understanding how the earth's climate is changing, some uncertainties remain, which makes the future a little unpredictable"

  4. Thank you for all the advice. Those tips are very helpful. I'll look into those errors and finalize it. Thanks

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. You did a nice job of including a lot of information. You could make some of your pictures smaller so that they don't overlap with the words in the right columns. It might also be good to cite your sources in the text. I think it's a good suggestion to go to the writing center oo help with proofreading. Nice webpage overall!

  7. I like that you mention things the reader can do to help with global warming but I would like to see more information on how the reader can help the polar bear directly. I would also like to know at the rate of global warming, how much of the polar bear's habitat will be gone in the next 10, 50, 100 years? Overall a very clear, and easy to understand blog.
