Polar Bears

Polar bears are large mammal species of carnivorous (Carnivora). They are animals living near the poles found around the Arctic Ocean and they are the largest predator on land. Polar bears are a typical example of an animal perfectly adapted to the environment. We recognized them by their white coat color. Unlike other mammalian species living near the poles, they never shed to become darker in the summer. Its fur is not white, it is colorless and hollow, like white hair in humans.

Their fur is not only waterproof and camouflage, they have 10 cm thick layer of fat which helps keep their body warm, even when the temperature drops to -40 ° C. They do not have eyelashes, because eyelashes can cause icing on the eyes when the temperature is below 0 ° C. Instead, they have eyelids with third membrane, like the cats, making them not glare ice and snow glare. Polar bears are very well insulated when heated to 10 ° C (50 ° F).

Today, polar bears are listed as endangered animals not because of hunting but also due to uncontrolled heat of global warming which makes their habitat shrink.

1 comment:

  1. I think you need to include citations for a lot of the things you are saying here, especially figures like "20% contribution to the greenhouse effect." If you call a page "The Facts" people probably want to know the source of those facts.

    Try to make all the text the same size, unless the text is in the caption of a picture or a graph, in which case it should be smaller.

    If you are going to talk about carbon in the atmosphere, it would be good to include a graph showing increasing carbon concentrations.

    Also, it seems like you don't really describe the link between climate change and the threat to the polar bear. This link may seem obvious, but its an educational website, so you have to really go into detail about the problem facing the polar bears. How did they used to live before the sea ice went down? How have they adapted so far? Are they committed to extinction? What about the issue of hybridization with grizzly bears in northern Canada and Alaska? Has that increased over time? Does it matter?

    These are all the sorts of questions you could look at that would really help to flesh out your website.

    Also, you need the original figure that tells us something new not found somewhere else. This is the hardest part of the project for me, so I don't really have any good suggestions.
